RAGE Großes Special in Game Informer


Oben hab ich noch 2 Stellen gefunden. Da wird auch irgendwas erzählt, hab ich aber nich so ganz zugehört. ;)


"Rage: The Mad Max Game" könnte man spotten aber vielleicht dreht sich meine Erwartungshaltung ja noch ins Positive wenn ein paar Fakten und echte Bilder vorliegen... :prost:


hier nochmal das cover in 1600x1300 :


und :




-Open World FPS using Id's new Tech 5 engine.

-Takes place 80 years after a devastating asteroid collides with earth and kills most of civilization.

-The player controls a character that was part of Project Eden, a program that buried hundreds of pods or "arks" containing 12 people in cryosleep that would aid in rebuilding society once they emerge from cryosleep. The players ark opens sooner than it was supposed to due to an earthquake.

-The asteroid caused mutations to some people so there will be mutants and stuff.

-You get a vehicle that you get to keep throughout the whole game (it appears that way anyways), that you can upgrade and personalize. "Unlike in other games where vehicles are disposable, in Rage, we want your vehicle to be an extension of you first-person avatar".

-The hero will be a nameless silent protagonist.

-There appears to be quest like structure to the game, you get quests from people and complete them.

-No good/evil mechanic in the game.

-You can build stuff like weapons and sentry bots with an engineering mechanic, or you can purchase them.

-Regeneration health system so no med packs.

-There are races that you can compete in to get certificates used to purchase exclusive upgrades and parts. There will also be race leaderboards. You can do vehicle combat during the races as well and get bonuses for destroying opponents.

-There will be the ability to play stealthy if that's what you prefer over guns blazing. The article describes a mission that involves guiding a remote control car with a bomb on it to infiltrate an enemy hideout.

-There is a show called Mutant Bash TV that you can participate in, it's like a battle arena that is televised.

There is a lot more to this, but this is all I have the time to post for now. Like I mentioned, if you want to know more let me know and I post some more stuff.

Check out the site that the other guy made a topic about as well. www.aftertheimpact.com according to GI you can enter the password "General Cross" to access further details on the game.

Hope this was helpful and I'll check back later. I'll also be on the lookout for scans of the latest issue and post it here if I find it.

der typ auf dem artwork sieht aus wie der protagonist von turok irgendiwe dat ding in der hand is von dark sector :D

also ich kann mich noch nicht so richtig freuen bevor ich nicht ma was vom gameplay oder allgemein screens gesehn habe...


Staff member
Ja, die Selbstheilung suckt. wird das erste id-Game, was an diesen neuen "Standard" angepasst ist. Schade.
Wer RAGEgame auf Twitter verfolgt, bekommt ab-und-zu kleine Denkanstöße und Tipps. Das mit Mutant Bash TV wurde gestern oder vorgestern getwittert.


Leute manchmal versteh ich euch nicht. :)

Ich hoffe ja auch, dass Rage cool wird. Aber hier auf den Scans kann man mal absolut KEIN BISSCHEN erkennen, ob es wirklich gut aussieht oder nicht. Wahrscheinlich wird es so aussehen, wie wir es schon in den Videos gesehen haben. :)
Warum jetzt alle so abgehen, ist mir ein Rätsel.