[V] id Anthology (komplett)


Verkaufe: id Anthology

Die id Anthology ist komplett mit allen Papieren, Top Zustand, das T-Shirt ist ungetragen/ungewaschen, der Comic - auf den Bildern leider nicht zu sehen - ist gerollt im Poster.

The id Anthology was a collection released in 1996 by id Software of all the games they had so far made. This not only includes all of the Doom games prior to Doom 3, but also Quake, Wolfenstein 3D and every game in the Commander Keen series. However, it does not contain Heretic and Hexen, which id co-developed with Raven Software. In total there are 19 games contained on four CDs.

The anthology is particularly prized by collectors, as it contains not only the games, but various collectable items. These are:

* The Book of id, a book that details the history of id Software.
* A poster
* An id Anthology phone card.
* Two dog tags with the id logo and the id Anthology logo
* A pewter Cyberdemon miniature.
* A black t-shirt with the id Anthology logo.
* The Doom comic.

* Big Backpaper
* Welcome to the id Anthology Letter
* Registration Card
* RSAC Rating Card
* Final Doom Addendum

Games Included:

cd 1 'Vintage'
Dangerous Dave
Shadow Knights
The Catacomb
Rescue Rover
Rescue Rover 2
Hover Tank 3D
Catacombs 3D
Commander Keen: Invasion of the Vorticons
Commander Keen: Keen Dreams
Commander Keen: Goodbye Galaxy
Commander Keen: Aliens ate my Babysitter
Wolfenstein 3D
Wolfenstein: Spear of Destiny

cd 2 'Doom'
Ultimate Doom
Doom 2
Master Levels for Doom 2
Final Doom

cd 3 'Quake'

cd 4 'Mac'
Wolfenstein 3D
Ultimate Doom
Doom 2
Final Doom

250,00 € (VHB) incl. versichertem Versand (DHL Paket)
