Quake 4 Problem bei Anwendungen...


Guden an alle,

ich hab folgendes Probelm. Bei jeglichen Anwendungen, egal was (z.B. emule, quake4 u.s.w.) kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:

Application Error

Fehlgeschlagene Anwendung quake4.exe, Version, fehlgeschlagenes Modul quake4.exe, Version, Fehleradresse 0x00136557.

Ich komm einfach nit wieder. Hab schon alles probiert.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Al Guevara

Wenn ich mich nicht irre dann deuten 0x... Meldungen auf RAM Fehler hin. Lade dir das Programm MEM86 runter (Freeware) und lass nen Test durchlaufen.
Mfg Al


bin da au net sooo fit aber nach der Adresse zu Urteilen hast du fehler im "general pupose" Register ähm kurz "Allzweckregister und dieser wiederrum befindet sich in der CPU :( ich weiß is net so schön aber glaube das dir die Installation der Chiptreiber für dein Board helfen könnte! Nur ne vermutung

kurzer Auszug:

0x0100 - 0x10ff = Haubtspeicher (ram)

0x0020 - 0x00ff "extended IO"

0x0020 - 0x005f "Input/Output"

0x0000 - 0x001f "general purpose" <- die von dir angegeben Adresse müsste sich hier befinden

mmm vielleicht hat jemand mehr Ahnung und kann mir gerne verbal eins in die Fresse geben!

Wie gesagt net so ernst nehmen nur ne Vermutung

ps.: jemand der asm kann müsste die Adresse eigendlich auflösen können dann wüsstes du genau was da schief läuft aber diese Dinos scheinen auszusterben

mfg Sleepwalker

hack the stack for fun and profit


Danke für die Antworten,

das mit den memt32 funktioniert nit weil ich kein A-Laufwerk mehr hab.

Der Rechnert schmiert immernoch andauernd ab und keiner weiß so recht warum. Wenn der z.B. nach einem Absturz wieder hochfährt funktioniert die Maus nit mehr, dann zieh ich die einfach wieder raus und rein und dann läuft die wieder.

Ausserdem schmiert der Rechner z.B. nit ab, wenn meine Freundin am meinem Rechner ihre blöden Sims zockt!!!

Morgen mach ich erst mal ein Neues Betriebssystem drauf, wenn das Teil dann immer noch nit läuft meld ich mich wieder.

Dann noch viel Spass beim zocken Leute.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Guden zusammen,
jetzt hab ich folgendes problem: Sobald ich auf einen Q4 server joinen will geht mein rechner aus Q4 aus wieder in windows. Kann machen was ich will!!!
Selbst einen erstellen kann ich schon, halt nur nit mehr joinen!!!!
Warum ist das so???

Mit freundlichen Grüßen



Lad dir mal eine aktuelle Ubuntuversion und starte von der CD. Installations CD und LiveCD ist das Gleiche. Boote mit dem Livesystem und schau mal ob das stabil läuft. Wenn es das tut installier dein Winmüll neu oder besser gleich Ubuntu. Tut es das auch nicht starte den Memtest der auf der CD im Bootmenü zu finden ist. Das Ding läuft aber mehrere Stunden! Am besten abends starten und morgens das Ergebnis bestaunen.

Ansonsten check alle Komponenten ob sie zu heiß werden. Generell gibt es mehre Möglichkeiten die man der Reihe nach ausschließen kann.

- defekter RAM (Memtest von der Ubuntu CD)*
- defekte Grafikkarte*
- defekte CPU*
- defektes Board/Bios*
- defektes Netzteil**

* bau eine anderes Teil ein, testen obs damit geht
** Defekt im Sinne von Schwankungen, kein Totalausfall.

also befor ich mit irgenwelchen teileausbauten und umtauschen anfangen würde, kontrolliere zuerst einmal die BIOS
settings vorallem die der Grafikkarte ob die RAM einstellung oder zuteilung überhaupt stimmt und die cache funktion.

Ich hatte diese probleme auch schon mehrer male. Dann würde ich noch im Windows im HW manager nachschauen ob nicht irgenwas
im konflikt ist mit einem anderen gerät. Da wenn es sich um ein speicher problem handelt meistens das die ursache ist das 2 geräte gleichzeitig die selben resourcen brauchen.

Denn ein halbfunktionierender halbleiter gibt es nicht. Wenn das auch nicht funktioniert die kontakte auf der hauptplatine checken und mal rausputzen und zuletzt dann das OS komplett neu installieren also format c: nicht nur neu darüber installieren.

Erst dann das probieren wo man zahlen muss das andere ist noch gratis.



Guden zusammen,

erstmal vielen dank für eure antworten. Einige probleme sind jetzt behoben. Aber bei Q4 hab ich immernoch ein problem! Bin langsam am verzweifeln. Alles funktioniert, nur dieses Spiel nit wenn ich versuch im Internet zu joinen, dann geht der rechner immer wieder einfach zurück in windows. Es kommt keine fehlermeldung, NIX. Einfach zu die scheisse.

Mein system läuft einwandfrei. Wenn jemand nur im entferntesten eine idee hat woran das liegt, sagt es mit bitte.



Ergänzung: In meiner qconsole.log seht folgendes:

log file 'qconsole.log' opened on Sun Dec 17 13:04:33 2006

WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/ai_warzone.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ai_warzone.pk4 with checksum 0x5c645303
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/angelctf01.pk4 with checksum 0xf9bdf21c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/bliptourney1.pk4 with checksum 0x62da0c1f
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/cc_brightskins_01.pk4 with checksum 0x6e3e91f2
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/cc_weapskins_01.pk4 with checksum 0xc9082893
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/chambers_tourney.pk4 with checksum 0x24b969e
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/clzq3ctf4_b1.pk4 with checksum 0xc89e84dd
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/cq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x7724ec5e
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ctf_faceoff.pk4 with checksum 0xe9ed6781
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/cxarenas.pk4 with checksum 0x6a58d561
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/d666_rails_beta.pk4 with checksum 0xbea7a8bc
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/daukq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xea6b6a51
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/deathrow_map.pk4 with checksum 0xc25263ca
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/delta_ctf_0.1.pk4 with checksum 0x20def826
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dm_fleischhaus.pk4 with checksum 0x9204f332
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dm_hellskitchen.pk4 with checksum 0x2c087d0a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dmgarageb1.pk4 with checksum 0x90fe969b
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dmr_q4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x6d9affbe
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/drach4t1.pk4 with checksum 0x202e9db6
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/duelingkeeps.pk4 with checksum 0xbf7a923b
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dustystyle.pk4 with checksum 0x8997fd86
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/el1dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x36d1eba2
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/fctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xd3d1cdf5
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/fps-ctf-mappack.pk4 with checksum 0xf8dcd844
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/frontline.pk4 with checksum 0x1e96ddfd
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/fs3ctf.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/fs3ctf.pk4 with checksum 0x92b26d77
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/game000.pk4 with checksum 0x1e246dd2
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/game100.pk4 with checksum 0x7d4d8d2a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/game200.pk4 with checksum 0x46f04342
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/gdlkdmheat.pk4 with checksum 0x92ab4ca8
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/gdlkdmheatv5.pk4 with checksum 0xc5b2bc37
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x29d8140f
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xcdefbf5f
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0x1c928779
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/gothra4map1mp.pk4 with checksum 0x66137a97
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/hub3awq4.pk4 with checksum 0x312161cc
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/huepfburg.pk4 with checksum 0x671908e5
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/jdra4map1.pk4 with checksum 0x5057e71b
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/l4ctf1_beta1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/l4ctf1_beta1.pk4 with checksum 0x5f712ff9
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-kat_q4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x62845a8a
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-l4dm3.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-l4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0xa9ca0fec
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4dade1.pk4 with checksum 0xd8abe74b
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4dade2.pk4 with checksum 0x72370af4
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4req2.pk4 with checksum 0x41dc6875
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-storm4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xc3ef9318
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_ctf_war_baby.pk4 with checksum 0xb685dcf3
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_gdlk4tourney1v3.pk4 with checksum 0xe891222d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xcb27dd3c
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x7ac4824f
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1_1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1_1.pk4 with checksum 0xfd6a9089
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1a.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1a.pk4 with checksum 0xb081d9ca
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xf52f499a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_1.pk4 with checksum 0x32c4391c
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_rc1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_rc1.pk4 with checksum 0xadf9c30a
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0xff033c8f
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3_1.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3_1.pk4 with checksum 0xf7868570
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm4.pk4 with checksum 0xdf4ccbde
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_q4mrldm3.pk4 with checksum 0xade4a086
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_swq4dm1_final.pk4 with checksum 0xb7d30f29
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_swq4dm2beta4.pk4 with checksum 0x8d0dd11b
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_tj_h0m3.pk4 with checksum 0xf298923c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_tmp02.pk4 with checksum 0xff9361c1
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x5069e74f
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xb177dc36
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1.pk4 with checksum 0xab9281d7
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1a.pk4 with checksum 0x519d4e8a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1x.pk4 with checksum 0x76713579
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_zac4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xae4d0c87
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/methtourney1.pk4 with checksum 0x7747b437
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/mikeq4_ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0x6f1654b6
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/minidm_jr.pk4 with checksum 0x3e874aa1
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/obihbdm01.pk4 with checksum 0x4e75fa83
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/odq3dm6_beta2.pk4 with checksum 0x81997458
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ogdm3.pk4 with checksum 0x662720af
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/omdm5.pk4 with checksum 0x72517847
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak001.pk4 with checksum 0xf2cbc998
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak002.pk4 with checksum 0x7f8d80d1
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak003.pk4 with checksum 0x1b57b207
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x385aa578
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x60d50a1d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x9099ed11
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak007.pk4 with checksum 0xaf301fff
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x4ac6f6d9
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak009.pk4 with checksum 0x36030c7d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak010.pk4 with checksum 0x4b80fbda
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak011.pk4 with checksum 0x8acf4cfa
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak012.pk4 with checksum 0xbe4120b0
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak013.pk4 with checksum 0x6ad67f40
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak014.pk4 with checksum 0xee51cd59
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak015.pk4 with checksum 0xf5bf4e0c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak016.pk4 with checksum 0x2196f58c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak017.pk4 with checksum 0x91118a35
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak018.pk4 with checksum 0x98a14f03
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak019.pk4 with checksum 0xbc82ac79
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak020.pk4 with checksum 0xce74cda5
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4ctf1_rc1.pk4 with checksum 0x767ad49d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xf8f083cc
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm3_final.pk4 with checksum 0x57bd8f83
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/pro_bliptourney1.pk4 with checksum 0xb8e4defc
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4_q3ctf3.pk4 with checksum 0xbb285796
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4_roladm_1.pk4 with checksum 0x4c1c36a9
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4bjadm1.pk4 with checksum 0x451a40eb
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4ctf6whore_final.pk4 with checksum 0xa5706a3d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dm1v2.pk4 with checksum 0x16b61d6a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dm_shaze.pk4 with checksum 0x15255769
WARNING: pak file D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dmchill.pk4 does not have directory entries ( FS subsystem requires it )
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dmchill.pk4 with checksum 0x84650a71
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4eg_ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xbfe76066
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4gwdm1.pk4 with checksum 0xdea0cdf9
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4gwdm1beta.pk4 with checksum 0x76618e8d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4hexdm1beta1.pk4 with checksum 0xc6254ede
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4mdl-spaceman.pk4 with checksum 0xfb7bac44
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4mdl_idgirl.pk4 with checksum 0x40d874c5
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4necro1.pk4 with checksum 0x9cc2754e
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4sp_coldsteel_elusive_win32.pk4 with checksum 0x7726328c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4w2.pk4 with checksum 0xdd5ede5c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp14.pk4 with checksum 0x8936d245
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp5.pk4 with checksum 0x76c9efdf
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp9c.pk4 with checksum 0xeed8e97a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/qzndm1.pk4 with checksum 0x4889d289
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/rectf01.pk4 with checksum 0x4e5df963
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/redm08.pk4 with checksum 0xd6bb47dc
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/revivalb5.pk4 with checksum 0xb82a8f78
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xdcc8636
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x9291e917
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/shyne.pk4 with checksum 0xd77ad1ab
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/skystourney01.pk4 with checksum 0x661918b4
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/smq4dm11v1.pk4 with checksum 0x23323d2
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/space_ctf_beta_1.pk4 with checksum 0x7280287e
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/sq4ctf2.pk4 with checksum 0xb4c41d2c
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/sq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xff217e58
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/stdm01.pk4 with checksum 0x2f5f5db5
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/storm4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xd617e88d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/stormra4map1mp.pk4 with checksum 0xac16b5d7
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/strogghole.pk4 with checksum 0xfa1a9861
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/supercom.pk4 with checksum 0x531ec735
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/timesup.pk4 with checksum 0x920ce95a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/tj_h0m3.pk4 with checksum 0xe0ecd16a
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xface5817
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1a.pk4 with checksum 0xc8932a7f
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x433a224d
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0x36b36917
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm3_fa.pk4 with checksum 0x9d4cb22e
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/twin_temples.pk4 with checksum 0x4d880dac
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ubilitus.pk4 with checksum 0x50b81209
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/uglyrga.pk4 with checksum 0x10183060
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/via_pinball_arena.pk4 with checksum 0xb0d604b7
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/z13q4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xaa1281cd
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zac4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x5a7ab9cf
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zeta2q4i.pk4 with checksum 0x5e369a60
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 with checksum 0x5868f530
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 with checksum 0xd9f04b8b
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 with checksum 0x9dbd91fd
Loaded pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 with checksum 0x2eb6ad8
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/zac4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x5a7ab9cf is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm3_fa.pk4 with checksum 0x9d4cb22e is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1a.pk4 with checksum 0xc8932a7f is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xface5817 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/strogghole.pk4 with checksum 0xfa1a9861 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/smq4dm11v1.pk4 with checksum 0x23323d2 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/skystourney01.pk4 with checksum 0x661918b4 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x9291e917 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xdcc8636 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp9c.pk4 with checksum 0xeed8e97a is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4w2.pk4 with checksum 0xdd5ede5c is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm3_final.pk4 with checksum 0x57bd8f83 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xf8f083cc is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4ctf1_rc1.pk4 with checksum 0x767ad49d is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/omdm5.pk4 with checksum 0x72517847 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/mikeq4_ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0x6f1654b6 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/methtourney1.pk4 with checksum 0x7747b437 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_zac4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0xae4d0c87 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1x.pk4 with checksum 0x76713579 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1a.pk4 with checksum 0x519d4e8a is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1.pk4 with checksum 0xab9281d7 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xb177dc36 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm1.pk4 with checksum 0x5069e74f is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm4.pk4 with checksum 0xdf4ccbde is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3_1.pk4 with checksum 0xf7868570 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0xff033c8f is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_1.pk4 with checksum 0x32c4391c is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1_1.pk4 with checksum 0xfd6a9089 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4ctf1.pk4 with checksum 0xcb27dd3c is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_gdlk4tourney1v3.pk4 with checksum 0xe891222d is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_ctf_war_baby.pk4 with checksum 0xb685dcf3 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-storm4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xc3ef9318 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4req2.pk4 with checksum 0x41dc6875 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4dade2.pk4 with checksum 0x72370af4 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-l4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0xa9ca0fec is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-kat_q4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0x62845a8a is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/l4ctf1_beta1.pk4 with checksum 0x5f712ff9 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm3.pk4 with checksum 0x1c928779 is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm2.pk4 with checksum 0xcdefbf5f is on addon list
Addon pk4 D:/Quake IV/q4base/dm_hellskitchen.pk4 with checksum 0x2c087d0a is on addon list
Current search path:
D:/Quake IV/q4base
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_03.pk4 (4 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_02.pk4 (21 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english_01.pk4 (1 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zpak_english.pk4 (3457 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zeta2q4i.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/z13q4dm1.pk4 (16 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/via_pinball_arena.pk4 (31 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/uglyrga.pk4 (27 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ubilitus.pk4 (96 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/twin_temples.pk4 (19 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm3.pk4 (42 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm2.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/tj_h0m3.pk4 (51 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/timesup.pk4 (65 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/supercom.pk4 (25 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/stormra4map1mp.pk4 (126 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/storm4dm1.pk4 (14 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/stdm01.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/sq4dm1.pk4 (14 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/sq4ctf2.pk4 (38 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/space_ctf_beta_1.pk4 (38 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/shyne.pk4 (67 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/revivalb5.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/redm08.pk4 (16 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/rectf01.pk4 (94 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/qzndm1.pk4 (30 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp5.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp14.pk4 (19 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4sp_coldsteel_elusive_win32.pk4 (66 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4necro1.pk4 (22 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4mdl_idgirl.pk4 (23 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4mdl-spaceman.pk4 (24 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4hexdm1beta1.pk4 (17 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4gwdm1beta.pk4 (32 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4gwdm1.pk4 (50 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4eg_ctf1.pk4 (93 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dmchill.pk4 (11 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dm_shaze.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4dm1v2.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4ctf6whore_final.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4bjadm1.pk4 (25 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4_roladm_1.pk4 (14 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4_q3ctf3.pk4 (28 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pro_bliptourney1.pk4 (11 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak020.pk4 (11 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak019.pk4 (1206 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak018.pk4 (3 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak017.pk4 (3 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak016.pk4 (193 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak015.pk4 (34 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak014.pk4 (552 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak013.pk4 (239 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak012.pk4 (1081 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak011.pk4 (5620 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak010.pk4 (5539 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak009.pk4 (1284 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak008.pk4 (1289 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak007.pk4 (1330 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak006.pk4 (1343 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak005.pk4 (1395 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak004.pk4 (2249 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak003.pk4 (1281 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak002.pk4 (313 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/pak001.pk4 (5837 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ogdm3.pk4 (19 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/odq3dm6_beta2.pk4 (102 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/obihbdm01.pk4 (159 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/minidm_jr.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_tmp02.pk4 (47 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_tj_h0m3.pk4 (49 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_swq4dm2beta4.pk4 (12 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_swq4dm1_final.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_q4mrldm3.pk4 (43 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_rc1.pk4 (21 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2.pk4 (21 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1a.pk4 (6 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1.pk4 (6 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4dade1.pk4 (39 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/jdra4map1.pk4 (78 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/huepfburg.pk4 (20 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/hub3awq4.pk4 (58 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/gothra4map1mp.pk4 (17 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm1.pk4 (17 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/gdlkdmheatv5.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/gdlkdmheat.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/game200.pk4 (9 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/game100.pk4 (2 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/game000.pk4 (2 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/fs3ctf.pk4 (132 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/frontline.pk4 (11 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/fps-ctf-mappack.pk4 (51 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/fctf1.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/el1dm2.pk4 (30 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/dustystyle.pk4 (13 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/duelingkeeps.pk4 (64 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/drach4t1.pk4 (154 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/dmr_q4dm1.pk4 (24 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/dmgarageb1.pk4 (8 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/dm_fleischhaus.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/delta_ctf_0.1.pk4 (40 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/deathrow_map.pk4 (14 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/daukq4dm1.pk4 (12 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/d666_rails_beta.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/cxarenas.pk4 (57 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ctf_faceoff.pk4 (85 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/cq4dm1.pk4 (41 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/clzq3ctf4_b1.pk4 (57 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/chambers_tourney.pk4 (23 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/cc_weapskins_01.pk4 (75 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/cc_brightskins_01.pk4 (48 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/bliptourney1.pk4 (11 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/angelctf01.pk4 (50 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ai_warzone.pk4 (8 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
D:/Quake IV/q4base/dm_hellskitchen.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm2.pk4 (29 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/geit4dm3.pk4 (160 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/l4ctf1_beta1.pk4 (24 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-kat_q4dm2.pk4 (179 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-l4dm3.pk4 (129 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4dade2.pk4 (86 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-q4req2.pk4 (39 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map-storm4dm2.pk4 (24 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_ctf_war_baby.pk4 (67 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_gdlk4tourney1v3.pk4 (19 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4ctf1.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm1_1.pk4 (7 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm2_1.pk4 (22 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3.pk4 (122 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm3_1.pk4 (128 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_l4dm4.pk4 (15 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm1.pk4 (45 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_wvwq4dm2.pk4 (53 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1.pk4 (158 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1a.pk4 (159 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_xftourney1x.pk4 (171 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/map_zac4dm1.pk4 (21 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/methtourney1.pk4 (21 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/mikeq4_ctf1.pk4 (32 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/omdm5.pk4 (27 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4ctf1_rc1.pk4 (106 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm1.pk4 (38 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/phantq4dm3_final.pk4 (26 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4w2.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/q4wcp9c.pk4 (14 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4ctf1.pk4 (69 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/shankq4dm2.pk4 (74 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/skystourney01.pk4 (17 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/smq4dm11v1.pk4 (25 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/strogghole.pk4 (18 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1.pk4 (26 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/trm4dm1a.pk4 (20 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/ts_q4dm3_fa.pk4 (47 files)
D:/Quake IV/q4base/zac4dm1.pk4 (21 files)
file system initialized.
------------ Initializing Decls -------------
Loading guides.... 65 loaded
WARNING: file materials/d3ctf1.mtr, line 2: expected '{' but found 'textures/D3CTF1/Pipe1'
WARNING: file materials/d3ctf1.mtr, line 3: Missing decl name
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 632: expected '{' but found 'guide'
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 632: expected '{' but found 'generic_shader'
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 632: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_mtl_wrn_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:177
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 632: expected '{' but found 'eX/eX_floor_mtl_wrn_01'
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 634: expected '{' but found 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase04'
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 635: Missing decl name
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 652: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase06rust' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:587
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 662: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase07rust' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:595
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 663: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:547
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 664: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:555
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 665: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:563
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 666: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase05Rust' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:579
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 667: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalBase05Rust' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:579
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 670: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_steptop_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:355
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 671: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_tread_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:211
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 691: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_simplines' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:194
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 692: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floorpanel_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:219
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 694: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_simple_05' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:185
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 695: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_grate_03_128' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:153
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 696: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_floor_tile_03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:203
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 698: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalFloor02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:603
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 699: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_clangfloor_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:46
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 700: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_rndfloor_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:331
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 701: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_rndfloor_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:339
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 704: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetalrib01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:611
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 713: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_01b' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:451
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 714: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_panels_08' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:491
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 715: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_pipe' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:507
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 716: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_u207' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:515
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 717: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_deswall_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:145
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 718: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_b01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:459
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 719: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_panel_05' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:483
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 720: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:443
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 721: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_bigrib_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:467
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 722: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_wall_bplate_06' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:475
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 723: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetal_plate01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:523
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 724: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetal_plate01B' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:531
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 725: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_metalSupp01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:235
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 726: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_metalplate_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:227
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 727: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_metalwall02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:243
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 728: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_mtl_panel_03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:275
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 729: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_mtl_panel_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:267
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 730: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_mtl_bigplate_04' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:251
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 731: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_mtl_bigplate_04b' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:259
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 732: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_rplates_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:347
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 733: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:363
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 734: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_q2_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:291
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 735: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_q2_01b' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:299
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 736: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_q2_01c' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:307
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 737: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_q2_01d' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:315
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 738: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_q2_01e' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:323
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 739: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_baseboard' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:387
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 740: material 'textures/drach_ex/eXmetal_plate01c' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:539
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 741: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_mtl_panel_04' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:283
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 742: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_vert_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:435
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 743: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_baseboard_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:371
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 744: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_baseboard_03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:379
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 745: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_simple_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:419
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 746: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_psimple_04' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:395
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 747: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_psimple_05' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:403
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 748: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_support_03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:427
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 749: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_trim_simple03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:411
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 760: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretebase_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:77
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 770: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretebase_03_dark' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:86
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 771: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretebase_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:68
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 772: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretewall_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:113
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 773: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretewall_02' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:121
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 774: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretewall_03' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:129
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 775: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretewall_03b' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:137
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 776: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretefloor_01' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:95
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 777: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_cretefloor_01b' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:104
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 797: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_lightpanel_01_orange' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:1
WARNING: file materials/drach_ex.mtr, line 815: material 'textures/drach_ex/eX_light_u201_orange' previously defined at materials/drach_ex.mtr:28
WARNING: file materials/jdra4map1.mtr, line 44: material 'textures/eX/eXmetalBase05Rust' previously defined at materials/jdra4map1.mtr:42
WARNING: file materials/jdra4map1256.mtr, line 44: material 'textures/ex256/eXmetalBase05Rust' previously defined at materials/jdra4map1256.mtr:42
WARNING: file materials/mappack1.mtr, line 175: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color' previously defined at materials/mapobjects_mp2.mtr:1
WARNING: file materials/mappack1.mtr, line 199: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/jump_pad/jump_pad_color_glow' previously defined at materials/mapobjects_mp2.mtr:29
WARNING: file materials/mappack1.mtr, line 224: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/acceleration_pad_color' previously defined at materials/mapobjects_mp2.mtr:53
WARNING: file materials/mappack1.mtr, line 242: material 'models/mapobjects/multiplayer/acceleration_pad/arrows_color' previously defined at materials/mapobjects_mp2.mtr:78
WARNING: file materials/q4_q3ctf3.mtr, line 1: table 'portalstable' previously defined at materials/fs3ctf.mtr:1
WARNING: file materials/q4_q3ctf3.mtr, line 2: table 'boardersfadeinout' previously defined at materials/fs3ctf.mtr:1
WARNING: file materials/q4mrldm3.mtr, line 71: material 'textures/q4mrldm3/bluemetalplate' previously defined at materials/q4mrldm3.mtr:49
WARNING: file materials/storm4ra1.mtr, line 37: material 'textures/storm4ra1/eXmetalBase05Rust' previously defined at materials/storm4ra1.mtr:35
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 10: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_orange' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:1
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 18: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/stroy_pillar1_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:12
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 26: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:20
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 34: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tun6small_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:28
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 42: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunbump_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:36
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 50: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:44
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 58: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe_orange' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:52
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 66: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_orange' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:60
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 74: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunpipe2_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:68
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 92: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_orange' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:76
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 100: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall12_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:94
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 108: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_orange' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:102
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 116: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/tunwall15_green' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:110
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 139: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09asmooth' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:118
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 140: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete09smooth' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:141
WARNING: file materials/stroyent_mp.mtr, line 141: material 'textures/stroyent/mp/concrete04smooth' previously defined at materials/mappack1.mtr:142
810ms to load 1243k of material
130ms to load 43k of skin
280ms to load 725k of sound
5ms to load 1k of materialType
WARNING: file lipsync/lipsync.lipsync, line 23: couldn't find expected '{'
442ms to load 2893k of lipSync
93ms to load 105k of playback
1568ms to load 1697k of effect
-------- Initializing renderSystem ----------
Spawning back end thread...
...SMP not available
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
Found default language English with VO
.... found additional language 'efx' without VO
.... found additional language 'french' without VO
.... found additional language 'italian' without VO
.... found additional language 'spanish' without VO
688 strings read from strings/english_code.lang
1776 strings read from strings/english_guis.lang
5738 strings read from strings/english_lips.lang
5741 strings read from strings/english_mappack.lang
6217 strings read from strings/english_maps.lang
1 strings read from strings/efx_lips.lang
3 strings read from strings/french_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/italian_mappack.lang
3 strings read from strings/spanish_mappack.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing default.cfg
execing editor.cfg
execing Quake4Config.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
-------- Initializing Sound System ----------
sound system initialized.
--------------- R_InitOpenGL ----------------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
setting to: 1440 900
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (1440x900)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded

------------ Input Initialization -----------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
...initializing QAL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'OpenAL32.dll' ): succeeded
...checking for ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT: succeeded
...shutting down QAL
...unloading OpenAL DLL
...initializing QAL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'OpenAL32.dll' ): succeeded
...shutting down QAL
...unloading OpenAL DLL
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_NV_blend_square
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_draw_range_elements
...using GL_EXT_blend_minmax
...using GL_NV_float_buffer
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_NV_register_combiners
...using NV_vertex_program
...using NV_fragment_program
...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
X..GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using GL_ARB_shader_objects
...using GL_ARB_fragment_shader
...using GL_ARB_vertex_shader
...using GL_ARB_shading_language_100
...using EXT_depth_bounds_test
---------------- R_NV20_Init ----------------
----------------- R200_Init -----------------
Not available.
---------------- R_ARB2_Init ----------------
------------ R_ReloadARBPrograms ------------
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
reloading textures/common/debuggraph.
reloading makeIntensity( gfx/lights/squarelight1a).
reloading gfx/lights/squarelight1.
reloading gfx/lights/round.
reloading gfx/guis/mainmenu/splash.
reloading gfx/guis/soundmeter/audiobg.
reloading gfx/guis/white.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_arrow.
reloading gfx/guis/guicursor_hand.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarh.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbarv.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_thumb.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_right.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_left.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_up.
reloading gfx/guis/scrollbar_down.
reloading fonts/english/bigchars.
found DLL in pak file: D:/Quake IV/q4base/game000.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to D:/Quake IV/q4base/gamex86.dll
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
------------- Initializing Game -------------
gamename: baseQUAKE4-1
gamedate: Jul 21 2006
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/gev.def, line 1002: entityDef 'damage_gev_collision_self' previously defined at def/vehicles/gev.def:601
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/gev.def, line 1007: entityDef 'damage_gev_collision' previously defined at def/vehicles/gev.def:608
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: expected '{' but found '--'
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 1: entityDef '--' previously defined at def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def:1
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 12: entityDef 'damage_walkerCrush' previously defined at def/vehicles/walker.def:50
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 717: entityDef 'projectile_walker_main_cin' previously defined at def/vehicles/walker.def:628
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 729: entityDef 'damage_walker_rocket' previously defined at def/vehicles/walker.def:637
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 737: entityDef 'damage_walker_rocket_splash' previously defined at def/vehicles/walker.def:649
WARNING: file def/vehicles_mp/walker_mp.def, line 745: entityDef 'damage_walker_crash' previously defined at def/vehicles/walker.def:657
2108ms to load 669k of entityDef
152ms to load 177k of articulatedFigure
Initializing event system
...531 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...247 classes, 299484 bytes for event callbacks
Initializing scripts
Compiled 'D:/Quake IV/q4base/scripts/main.script': 3662.6 ms
-------------- Compile stats ----------------

Memory usage:
Strings: 56, 8784 bytes
Statements: 86367, 1727340 bytes
Functions: 3399, 384284 bytes
Variables: 328764 bytes
Mem used: 3588596 bytes
Static data: 4948144 bytes
Allocated: 6331940 bytes
Thread size: 7072 bytes

...5 aas types
game initialized.
Loading viseme file: annosoft
----------- Initializing Session ------------
----------------- BSE Init ------------------
--------- BSE Created Successfully ----------
session initialized
------ Common Initialization Complete -------
WARNING: Couldn't load image: models/monsters/burn_misc_sm
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
guid set to bXD9Ewx7NU0
WARNING: rvServerScan::AddActiveServer() - Unexpected active server ''
WARNING: rvServerScan::AddActiveServer() - Unexpected active server ''
"1" resolved to
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
... found 1 wavein devices
... default wavein mixer opened
... 6 destinations found for 'NVIDIA&reg; nForce™ Audio'
... found destination 'Aufnahme'
..... found source 'Stereomix'
..... found source 'Monomix'
..... found source 'Aux'
..... found source 'CD-Audio'
..... found source 'Line-In'
..... found source 'Mikrofon'
..... found source 'SPDIF'
... voice chat initialised.
Sending challenge to
The server is running a different mod (-dm). Restarting..
============= ReloadEngine start =============
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
Shutting down voice chat ...
--------------- BSE Shutdown ----------------
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
--------------- Game Shutdown ---------------
rvStatAllocator: dump of usage stats
0 total bytes handed out in 0 requests
begin game: 0; end game: 0
player hit: 0; player kill: 0
player death: 0;
damage dealt: 0; damage taken: 0
stat team: 0
flag capture: 0;
flag drop: 0; flag return: 0
------------ Game Map Shutdown --------------
Shutdown event system