Doom 1/2 Doomsday-Engine 1.9.0. Beta 4


Hallo Leute,
da sich ja am Aussehen der Doomsday HQ-Hompage Einiges getan hat (seit dem 23.07.06) und die Entwickler der Doomsday-Engine wieder aktiv werden (siehe Doomsday-Engine 1.9.0. Beta 4), wird es mit den Klassikern um Doom, Doom2, Heretic..... im Doomsday-Gewand weitergehen.
Bin ein ausgesprochener Fan dieser Shooter und nutze hier und da und immernoch die Doomsday-Engine 1.8.6.
Gibt es von Jemandem schon erste Erfahrungen mit der neuen Version 1.9.0 beta 4 bezüglich Installation und Nutzung der "alten" Addon`s?
Grüße von Olsson!


örks, eine Verbesserung ist das neue Design nicht gerade. schön unübersichtlich ist es jetzt außerdem. Gibts IRGENDWO das Changelog? Da steht zwar "new features and bugfixes" aber mich würd mal im Detail interessieren was neu ist.


DE- Changelog:

+ DMU (Doomsday Map Update): map data objects are no longer directly accessible
from plugins; all changes go through DMU, and notifications are routed to the
correct places inside the engine for efficient operation

User Interface:
* tweaks to the console appearance (new defaults for background picture, color,
and alpha)
+ console uses the Doomsday title bar, which is visible in the other UI screens
* console: game information texts moved to the title bar
+ control panel UI fades away to display the game view when adjusting gamma,
contrast, and brightness
+ control panel offers 16:10 resolutions
- sliders now eat up/down keys (so the user isn't confused when the focus jumps
to some other control when up/down is pressed in a slider)
- game view window is now resized in the ticker
- cursor offsets in menus, and save/load items
+ new console controls:
F5: Clear console text buffer
Alt + C: Clear command line
Shift + cursorleft/cursorright: Move cursor to start/end of the command line
Delete: Delete the character under the cursor
Insert: Toggle character insert input mode. When off - new replaces old
Shift + Tab: Use "other" unknown word autocompletion mode
Right arrow: a "command history fill" to the command line (ala DOS command prompt)
when the cursor is at the end of the command line
+ cvar 'con-move-speed': (0 - 1.0f) speed of console opening/closing
* improved: console history buffer uses different colours for items based on their
type (yellow for commands, white for variables)

* removed: Doomsday.wad is obsolete, all data is now loaded from Doomsday.PK3
+ new fixed and variable-width fonts (with normal, bold, and light variants)

+ bias lighting: direct sources and smooth sector lighting
- fixed usage of GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3 (caused problems with rendering
shiny surfaces)
* slightly more pronounced fakeradio (default darkness changed from 1.0 to 1.2)
+ cvar 'rend-bias-grid-multisample': multisample factor used when determining sector
to lightgrid mapping. Larger values increase accuracy at the expense of map load times.
+ light range compression: increase light in dark sectors/decrease light in bright sectors
+ cvar 'rend-fog-default': default fog algorithm
+ Flaremaps: loaded from "Data/FlareMaps" - used for custom halos on objects
(see Readme for details)
+ surface colours: individual walls and planes can be given a unqiue color.
Wall section surface colors are blended between sections to achieve color fades.
Surface colors and fades can be used to accurately recreate Doom64 style lighting.
+ alpha'd/blended midtextures on twosided linedefs
+ flag 'LUMF_DONTTURNHALO': disable the view angle rotation of halos and flares
for this luminous object.
+ blendmode: BM_ZEROALPHA (GL_ONE, GL_ZERO) "draw with no translucency"
+ cvar 'rend-sprite-mode': 1 = draw sprites and masked walls with hard edges
- fixed: light & halo not centered to sprite correctly (BatmanTC, wall torches)
- fixed: mobj shadows sometimes rendered above the object casting the shadow
- fixed: animated textures/flats would flicker after a console RESET
- fixed: pegged middle textures "bouncing" on moving planes
+ cvar 'rend-dev-mobj-bbox': debugging aid - render mobj bounding boxes
(sized to match the box used for collision detection) for debug.
+ cvar 'rend-dev-cull-subsectors': disable non-visible subsector culling for debug.
+ cvar 'rend-glow-scale': multiplier for wall glow height

Map Data:
* optimized allocation and handling of runtime map data (zblocks, levelstatic
blocks, fast alloc mode), reduced map setup times significantly
* changed: expanded map structure element limits.
* changed: expanded blockmap limits by enlarging BLOCKMAP data at runtime
+ ccmd 'listmobjs': print a list of the mobj ids + names (if set via DED) to the console.
* changed: BSP data is no longer required to load maps if runtime node building is
enabled (cvar 'bsp-build' = 1). This allows playing eg maps created by SLIGE without
generating the BSP data prior to loading the map in Doomsday
* improved: map load time greatly improved with large maps
* improved: emulation of DOOM.exe faked sector-over-sector tricks
* improved: sectors now have three sound origins (center, floor, ceiling). Sector sounds
are played from the most appropriate source.
* improved: fakeradio now handles complex geometry and DOOM.exe tricks better
* improved: fakeradio wall shadows are now affected by plane glows and the sky
- fixed: missing textures/flats nolonger cause a fatal error. Surfaces with an
unknown/missing textures/flats are now rendered with a "Missing" texture
+ unknown/missing textures/flats are reported in the console after loading a map
+ cvar 'blockmap-build': when/if new data is generated (default = when needed)

- removed fixed limit on the number of particle generator stages
+ Light -> Halo radius : radius of halo
+ Light -> Flare map: the flare map to use for this light's halo. Either a path
and resource name OR a built-in flare resource number
+ Decoration -> Light -> Flare map: same as above for light decorations.
* Decoration -> Light -> Flare texture: is depreciated. Use "Flare map" instead
+ Flag -> Info: text string containing a comment about this flag
+ DED reader: the "Copy"/"*" directive (used to initialize the current definition
being read with the values of the last) can now be used with Mobj, State, Line and
Sector (type) definitions.
- fixed: minor memory leaks concerning definition data

* memory zone expands as necessary
- removed the "-maxzone" option as obsolete
+ option '-vdmap': map files in one directory to another directory
(virtual directory mapping)
+ PK3 path mapping: files in 'keyword-named' folders in the root of a PK3
mapped to directories (see Readme for details)
+ subdirectory "Auto" of the runtime directory mapped automatically to
both "Defs/<Game>/Auto" and "Data/<Game>/Auto"
+ new DFN font format that supports RGBA bitmaps
+ DeHackED patches (.deh files) are now loaded automatically from Data/Game/Auto
and from the root folder in PK3/ZIP archives.
- removed fixed limit on the number of opened files
- less chance of file name collisions thanks to CRC32 in Dir_FileID
- fixed: crash during startup when running with extra verbosity
- fixed: vsprintf security vulnerabilities (buffer overflow) on all platforms
Thanks to the Gentoo crew, Florian Westphal and Alexey Dobriyan for their
part in helping to resolve these issues.
* changed: always do a full texture reset after using the "lowres" ccmd
* changed: cameras can now move above/below the ceiling/floor unrestricted.
- fixed: auxiliary lump cache not checked for lump names when searching

+ binding classes: multiple commands can be bound to the same event
+ ccmd 'enablebindclass': Enable/disable/toggle binding classes or view their status
+ ccmd 'listbindclasses': Print a list of available binding classes
* ccmd 'listbindings': List bindings in a specific binding class
(eg 'listbindings map')
* ccmd 'bind': Bind a command for a specific binding class to a key/button
(eg 'bind map +f follow')
* ccmd 'delbind': Delete a binding in a specific binding class
(eg 'delbind map mpanup')

All Games:
+ game status cvars
read-only cvars that show the status of various player/game values
('player-health' 'map-name' etc)
+ automap options menu
+ weapons options menu
+ customisable weapon change order preferences: via weapons menu and cvars
+ cvar 'player-weapon-nextmode': use custom order for next/previous weapon cycle
* changed: Automatic weapon switching has two modes: 1= If better 2= Always
+ The level title drawn when entering a map is now drawn with the patch used
during intermissions (eg "WILV01") if it has been replaced in a PWAD. These
custom patches take priority over patch replacement strings.
+ The level title patch draw during intermissions is drawn using the name set
in the MapInfo defintion for the level. Intermission patches have priority
over patch replacement strings.
* Improved menu "Patch Replacement" feature to better support PWADS with custom
menu patches
+ menu widget for changing colors
+ cvars 'msg-color-x': Color used for HUD messages
+ cvar 'msg-align': Set the horizontal alignment of HUD messages
+ Fullscreen view with no HUD
+ Fullscreen view with 'floating' status bar
+ cvar 'hud-status-alpha': Alpha value of statusbar background
+ cvar 'hud-status-icon-a': Alpha value of statusbar icons/counters
+ cvar 'hud-color-a': Alpha value of fullscreen HUD counters
+ cvar 'hud-icon-alpha': Alpha value of fullscreen HUD icons
+ cvars 'menu-color2-X': Secondary colors used for menu text
+ cvar 'menu-slam': 'Slam' menu when opening/closing
+ cvar 'map-huddisplay': Set the HUD display mode while in the automap
(0 = none, 1 = current HUD, 2 = statusbar)
+ cvar 'menu-quick-ask': Ask me to confirm when quick saving/loading
+ cvar 'server-game-monster-meleeattack-nomaxz': to disable the fix added in the lxDoom
source release to prevent monsters melee attacks having infinite z range.
+ cvar 'server-game-radiusattack-nomaxz': all radius attacks are infinitely tall in netgames
+ menu-fog mode 3: "Grey fog"
+ menu-fog mode 4: "Darken"
* cheat 'reveal': 4 = show subsectors in automap
* removed fixed limit on the number of active plats
* removed fixed limit on the number of active switches
* removed MAX_ADJOINING_SECTORS fixed limit
* changed cvar 'msg-blink': number of tics to blink before fading to normal
* changed cvar 'menu-patch-replacement': 2= Use built-in patch replacement when available
* Improved cfg consistency between games
* Automap keys are bindable
* Automap colors can be customised via console, cfg files and the menu.
* Menu navigation keys are bindable
* Widget/Message response keys are bindable
* Save & Load slots are now sync'd in the menu
* changed: cvar 'ctl-look-speed' is now specified using a float value
* changed: ccmd 'spawnmobj' now accepts the mobj name as well as the mobj id
+ cvar 'ctl-turn-speed': controls player turn rate
- fixed: alignment in view border patch drawing

+ DOOM.exe compatibility options/fixes
maxskulls: remove max LostSoul spawn limit on Pain Elementals (off by default)
skullsinwalls: prevent LostSouls from being spawned inside walls (on by default)
raiseghosts: prevent Archviles from raising ghosts (on by default)
anybossdeath666: The death of ANY boss monster triggers a 666 special (off by default)
monsters-stuckindoors: Monsters can get stuck in doortracks (off by default)
objects-hangoverledges: Only some objects can hang over tall ledges (on by default)
objects-clipping: Use EXACTLY DOOM's clipping code (off by default)
zombiescanexit: Zombie players can exit levels (off by default)
player-wallrun-northonly: Players can only wallrun North (off by default)
objects-falloff: Objects fall under their own weight (on by default)
+ support for most of jHeretic's MF2_ flags: includes floorclip, floatbob etc
+ support the "skill 0 trick"
+ BOOM THING flags: "Not Deathmatch","Not Coop" supported
+ BOOM LINEDEF flags: "Pass Thru", "Any Trigger" supported
"Any Trigger" overrides XG activation type requirements unless
the "ltf2_override_any" flag is set in Flags2
+ BOOM "ANIMATED" lump support
+ BOOM "SWITCHES" lump support
+ ccmd 'suicide': commit suicide in non deathmatch games
+ ccmd 'exitlevel': exit the current level via the normal exit and go to the intermission
+ cvar 'map-babykeys': show key locations in the automap on easy skill
+ cvar 'hud-face': show Doom Guy's face in the fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'server-game-mod-damage': Enemy (mob) damage modifier, multiplayer (1..100)
+ cvar 'server-game-mod-health': Enemy (mob) health modifier, multiplayer (1..20)
+ cvar 'server-game-respawn-monsters-nightmare': monsters respawn in Nightmare
+ cvar 'server-game-bfg-freeaim': Allow free-aim with BFG in multiplayer games
+ cvar 'player-berserkswitch': automatically switch to fists when collected
+ cvar 'player-death-lookup': makes the player look upwards when killed
- fixed: automatic weapon switching now works in Co-op games
- fixed: voodoo doll spawning bug exhibited on maps such as caesar.wad
+ Thing -> flags2 'mf2_radiusattacknomaxz': z dimension is ignored when calculating
if a radius attack hits a mobj with this attribute (in PIT_RadiusAttack).
+ DeHackED: 'Misc' patches are fully supported
+ value 'Player|Green Armor Class': armor class of the Green Armor pickup
+ value 'Player|Blue Armor Class': armor class of the Blue Armor pickup
+ value 'Player|God Health': health displayed when in god mode
+ value 'Player|IDFA Armor': armor given with 'IDFA' cheat
+ value 'Player|IDKFA Armor': armor given with 'IDKFA' cheat
+ value 'Player|IDFA Armor Class': armor class given with 'IDFA' cheat
+ value 'Player|IDKFA Armor Class': armor class given with 'IDKFA' cheat
+ value 'MegaSphere|Give|Health': health given when MegaSphere collected
+ value 'SoulSphere|Give|Health': health given when SoulSphere collected
+ value 'SoulSphere|Give|Health Limit': max health when SoulSphere collected
* ccmd 'give': number (0-NUMWEAPONS) = give an individual weapon (as if found)
f = give the player the power of flight
* removed fixed limit on number of boss brain spawnspots
* removed fixed limit on number of archived mobjs
- fixed: "Boss Brain doesn't die by rockets as easily" splash damage is considered to be
infinetly tall when checking the boss brain
- fixed: Doom2 MAP30 could not be completed with game-corpse-time = 1
- fixed: soundtarget data is now saved. Fixes bug where monsters would forget where
they heard the player(s) after a save
- fixed: tracer data is now saved. Fixes bug where the Archvile fire attack and the Revenant
missile would loose their target when saving
- fixed: animated textures in TNT and Plutonia were messed up.
- fixed: DOOM logic error which prevented the GOTMEDINEED message from ever being used
- fixed: DOOM inversed test which prevented the OUCH face from ever being used

+ Heretic.exe compatibility options/fixes
monsters-stuckindoors: Monsters can get stuck in doortracks (off by default)
objects-hangoverledges: Only some objects can hang over tall ledges (on by default)
objects-clipping: Use EXACTLY DOOM's clipping code (off by default)
player-wallrun-northonly: Players can only wallrun North (off by default)
objects-falloff: Objects fall under their own weight (on by default)
* Uses jDoom's Menu code
All features, cvars, ccmds from jDoom supported
* Uses jDoom's HUD message code (msg buffer)
All features, cvars, ccmds from jDoom supported
+ BOOM "ANIMATED" lump support
+ BOOM "SWITCHES" lump support
+ ccmd 'suicide': commit suicide in non deathmatch games
+ ccmd 'hereticfont': Use the Heretic font in the console
+ ccmd 'exitlevel': exit the current level via the normal exit and go to the intermission
+ cvar 'map-babykeys': show key locations in the automap on easy skill
+ cvar 'hud-artifact': show the current artifact in the fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'hud-keys': show keys in the fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'hud-health': show health in the fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'server-game-mod-damage': Enemy (mob) damage modifier, multiplayer (1..100)
+ cvar 'server-game-mod-health': Enemy (mob) health modifier, multiplayer (1..20)
+ cvar 'hud-inventory-timer': number of tics before the inventory auto-hides
+ Added patches for missing ASCII characters to jHeretic.wad
- fixed: lineattack weapons hit planes
- fixed: various alignment glitches in statusbar drawing
- fixed: float bobbing would not activate until the player moved in the X/Y dimension(s).
- fixed: soundtarget data is now saved. Fixes bug where monsters would forget where
they heard the player(s) after a save.
+ Thing -> flags2 'mf2_radiusattacknomaxz': z dimension is ignored when calculating
if a radius attack hits a mobj with this attribute (in PIT_RadiusAttack).
* removed fixed limit on number of archived mobjs
* changed: command-line option -ravpic is now -devparm

* Uses jDoom's Menu code
All features, cvars, ccmds from jDoom supported
* Uses jDoom's HUD message code (msg buffer)
All features, cvars, ccmds from jDoom supported
+ ccmd 'hexenfont': Use the Hexen font in the console
+ cvar 'hud-artifact': show current artifact in fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'hud-health': show health in fullscreen HUD
+ cvar 'hud-inventory-timer': number of tics before the inventory auto-hides
+ Added patches for missing ASCII characters to jHexen.wad
- fixed: players would continue receiving damage after a telporting out of a damaging
sector with a Chaos Device, until they moved.
* changed: command-line option -ravpic is now -devparm

* changed: the DD_XGDATA lump is now depreciated.
+ Line (type): XG line type definitions now have alternate names for the iparms.
(see wiki for more details -
+ line class "ltc_line_teleport": BOOM-style line->line (silent) teleport
+ line class "ltc_teleport"
* improved: line class "ltc_end_level": specify next level on exit (Ip3)
* improved: line classes "ltc_wall_texture" & "ltc_plane_texture": set the surface
color, blendmode and alpha properties of the referenced surfaces.
* improved: line class "ltc_wall_texture" -> Set Mid If None: add/remove
midtextures on twosided linedefs.
+ Added more XG_Dev messages. Reference types are printed by name instead of ID.
* fixed: bug that prevented sector chains from working correctly under certain circumstances
(due to dummy activators in sector functions)
* fixed: XS_GetPlane - when a act_tag reference was specified it was incorrectly being
compared to the regular sector tag during iteration.
* fixed: XS_GetPlane was incorrectly referencing sector tag 0 when called during XS_Trav
functions which implicitly set ref data to zero when used in conjunction with spref_tagged_
or spref_act_tagged_. Now checked with -1 and an XG_Dev warning message is printed.
* changed: ltc_mimic_sector was using the line's Act Tag when the mimic target reference was
set to SPREF_ACT_TAGGED_ This is the opposite to the way it works with all other classes
which use these data references. New sprefs have been added which retain this functionality.
Your PWAD will no longer work as expected and you should update and redistribute it.
* fixed: XSTrav_PlaneTexture - the XG_Dev message "couldn't find suitable" was printed
even when a suitable reference WAS found.
* fixed: ltc_plane_move sector type was incorrectly being set to type 0 when the move finished
if no end type change was specified. Result was sectors "losing" their type after a plane move.
+ Line type -> Act type: Set line type on activation
+ Line type -> Deact type: Set line type on deactivation
+ Flag 'ltf2_override_any': override BOOM 'Any Trigger' Linedef flag
+ line->line references (lrefs):
+ line->plane references (lprefs):
+ sector->plane references (sprefs):
+ line->sector references (lsrefs):
+ light level reference (lightref):

- fixed: skill selection not working via Game Setup menu

+ SDL joystick support (by zachkeene)
- fixed: disappearing enemies in jHeretic and jHexen (fix by zachkeene)
* Build scripts require zip (package zip on Debian/Ubuntu)
- fixed: fixed some segfaults caused by missing data in *Nix builds.

Mac OS X:
* optimized release builds now work correctly
- fixed several endianness issues in model rendering, XG, WAV loading, buttons
- fixed: network games (now compatible with Win + Linux)
- fixed rendering of shiny models (multitex and non-multitex)
- fixed many minor compilation issues

- fixed: CVE-2006-1618 buffer overflow.

Diesen Beitrag einem Moderato


Es ist ja wunderbar, daß Du den Changelog hier angeführt hast, kann aber dieser ganzen neuen Doomsday-Engine nchts abgewinnen.
Was soll mich denn eigentlich dazu bewegen, von der Version 1.8.6 (die zuverlässig funktioniert) auf diese Beta 4 Engine zu gehen, wenn mir noch nicht mal so richtig klar ist, wie ich die ganzen Texturen, Addons usw. richtig einrichten soll ?
Wer hat denn eigentlich schon Erfahrungen mit der neuen Version? Wie habt Ihr das alles eingerichteten ?
Gibt es mittlerweile eine deutsche Sprachdatei ?
Gruß Olsson!


Originally posted by Olsson@13.08.06, 10:24
Es ist ja wunderbar, daß Du den Changelog hier angeführt hast, kann aber dieser ganzen neuen Doomsday-Engine nchts abgewinnen.
Was soll mich denn eigentlich dazu bewegen, von der Version 1.8.6 (die zuverlässig funktioniert) auf diese Beta 4 Engine zu gehen, wenn mir noch nicht mal so richtig klar ist, wie ich die ganzen Texturen, Addons usw. richtig einrichten soll ?
Wer hat denn eigentlich schon Erfahrungen mit der neuen Version? Wie habt Ihr das alles eingerichteten ?
Gibt es mittlerweile eine deutsche Sprachdatei ?
Gruß Olsson!
1. Burzum hat nach dem Changelog gefragt, darum habe ich es gepostet.
2. Niemand zwingt Dich zum Update. Bleib ruhig bei 1.86, das ist für Dich sicher bequemer. Auch die ganzen Texture-Packs und 3D-Models sind optional und müssen nicht unbedingt installiert werden. Ich persönlich mag den Kram eher nicht.
3. Wie Dir bestimmt bekannt ist, ist die wichtigste Neuerung in V 1.9x die Integration des Snowberry-Launchers, der die Einrichtung
4. Eine Deutsche Sprachversion habe ich auf Meiner Seite zum Download bereitgestellt.


Hab mal die neue Version getestet und ein paar Fragen

1. Wie bekomme ich denn die neuen 3D Modells wiedeR? Bei der letzten Version hatte ich die neuen IMP,s usw. dabei.

2.Frage: Auf der doomday Seite gibts ein Screenshoot wo es regnet. Bei mir regnets nur wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue :lol: Wie schalte ich den Effekt ein?


Originally posted by bot@14.08.06, 13:01
Bei mir regnets nur wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue...
Dann zock doch draussen :lol:

You know: Das Leben ist scheiße, aber die Grafik ist geil;)


:daumen2: :lol:

Joar das wäre natürlich ne Möglichkeit.

Aber wie bekommt man den Effekt von der doomsday Seite? Im Doom Menü hab ich den nicht gefunden?!


Originally posted by bot@14.08.06, 12:01
Hab mal die neue Version getestet und ein paar Fragen

1. Wie bekomme ich denn die neuen 3D Modells wiedeR? Bei der letzten Version hatte ich die neuen IMP,s usw. dabei.

2.Frage: Auf der doomday Seite gibts ein Screenshoot wo es regnet. Bei mir regnets nur wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue :lol: Wie schalte ich den Effekt ein?
Was für'n Screenie?? Kannste mal posten, bitte? Und zum Rest :


Originally posted by bot@15.08.06, 08:38
Auf diesem Bild hier -->
Alles klar, jetzt seh' ich es auch ;-)

Der Regen ist aber experimental und bisher wohl nicht 'offiziell' erhältlich.
Wenn Du Coder bist, dürften dich diese Zeilen interessieren (geklaut von

Generator {
Flat = "f_sky1";
Flags = "gnf_static gnf_roof";
Speed = 3;
Speed rnd = 1;
Spawn age = -1;
Max age = -1;
Distance = 1500;
Particles = 200;
Spawn rate = 15;
Vector { 0 0 1 };
Presim = 70;
Stage {
Type = "pt_line";
Flags = "ptf_bright ptf_stagetouch";
Tics = 50;
Rnd = 1;
Bounce = 1;
Gravity = 2;
Radius = 15;
Color { 0 0 4 .2 };

Dani J666:
Flat = "f_sky1"
Flags = static | roof | density
Speed = 3
Speed rnd = 1
Spawn age = -1
Max age = -1
Distance = 1024
Particles = 40
Spawn rate = 5
Vector { 0 0 1 }
Presim = 70
Stage {
 Type = "pt_line"
 Flags = stagetouch
 Tics = 50
 Rnd = 1
 Bounce = 1
 Gravity = 2
 Radius = 15
 Color { 0 0 4 .2 }