Doom 3 Classic ?

hi leute

hab mir die Doom 3 Classic mod besorgt

nur wo installier ich das??

einfach nur installieren oder muss ich das wo reinziehen==???

besten dank



Einfach die beiliegende Readme beachten oder mal einen Blick auf deren Website werfen:

How do I install and run the mod?
For those of you unsure how to install CDoom, first of all locate your Doom 3 directory. Unless you specified another target it should be "C:\program files\doom 3\". Go into this directory in Windows explorer, and make a new folder called "cdoom". Now open up the Classic Doom .rar file using WinRAR and choose extract files, and locate the cdoom folder you just created. Click extract, and the files will be where you need them. Fire up Doom 3 and choose mods, then "cdoom". You're ready to play.