Modding The Wheel of Time


B.J. Blazkowicz

Im Jahre 1999 erschien das Spiel "The Wheel of Time", welches in vielerlei Hinsicht beeindruckend war. Zum einen holte das Spiel aus der Unreal Engine eine ungeahnte Grafikpracht herraus, besass eine beeindruckende Architektur (es wurde sogar ein ECHTER Architekt fuer das Spiel engagiert), besass krasse Horroreffekte und basierte auf einer beruehmten Fantasybuchreihe. Leider ging der Titel trotzdem im "Half-Life" Hype total unter.

Widescreen Activation

Kein wirklicher Mod zum herunterladen, sondern ledigleich eine Anleitung wie man auch diesen Spieleklassiker im feinen Widescreen spielen kann. Um die Atmosphaere noch zu erhoehen, ist das wohl fuer jeden Horrorfan eine Pflichteinstellung.
Hier die Anleitung:

First to set the proper resolution go your Wheel of Time system directory (default should be %root%\Program Files\WheelofTime\System) and find the WoT.ini file open it up and in the [WinDrv.WindowsClient] you'll find the lines:


Set them to the desired resolution:

Mine are:


In other Unreal-based games you would then open the User.ini file and set the DefaultFOV/DesiredFOV to the appropriate fov for widescreen which in this case is 100 (the default is 90) but those lines don't exist in the user.ini file and if you add them they don't seem to do anything. I spent some time trying to find the solution to this that I could set in a configuration file but I was unable to find any settings that would affect a change. I tried mucking with the variables, bAllowFOV and FovAngleDegrees, in the WoT.ini file but they do not appear to have an effect regardless of how they are set.

So the solution is, once in the game, hit the ~ key and in the console, simply type 'fov 100' and you are set. Once you start playing the any savegames will pick up that setting, but each time you start a new level, it reverts back to the default of 90. I found that the easiest way to manage this is to bind a key to the command 'fov 100' so you can just tap it when entering a new level. You can do this by opening up the user.ini file in the Wheel of Time system directory and in the [Engine.Input] section find a unused key a set it to 'fov 100'. In my case the F key was unbound so the line reads:

F=FOV 100

And that's it.
