paar fakten


ich schmeiss die sachen hier mal so rein :

Artists begin by making a movie quality model of a level, character, or monster for the game. This
super high quality model with a ridiculous polygon count is then run through the engine, with all of
its bumps and ridges and details, and gets turned INTO a normal map which can lay over a much lower
polygon count model to make it look like it has all of the bumps and ridges that the original high
count model had. The special trick is that this normal map still gets real-time shadows. "It's the
Carmack magic that allows us to take something that high quality and take it down INTO the lower poly
count and still have the shadows and detail that you would see on the high count model," says Willits.
It's an amazing effect that maximizes detail and performance all at the same time.

sprich es werden highpoly models erstellt (da hab ich mich geirrt) und dann durch die engine gejagt die die md5 files erstellt lowpolys die highpoly aussehen ... (carmack halt)

While we don't know what and if they've got a lot of gameplay surprises in store for DOOM III, we do know that there are plenty of scare surprises waiting for us. As demonstrated by the theater presentation, even the level parts can be animated seamlessly with the new system as a Pinky busted through some pipes to attack the player. Says Fred, "Part of the fun stuff for me has been taking levels FROM the level designers and importing part of the level INTO Maya (what I use to animate) where I can add bones to the level. When the Pinky comes through the pipes, that was all hand animated. It's nice to import parts of the level and add personality to the level too."

der bsp baum ist weg, war soweit klar. aber man kann die mapteile in maya importieren bones einfügen um sie zu bewegen (der durchbrechende pinky) und knallt sie dann wieder in den editor.

"All of the models and characters and everything goes through the same graphical pipeline," Tim explains
klar sonst würde man wie in q3 die unterschiede sehen zwischen level und objekten

effects are done using fx files which look similar to shaders
particle effects use simple .particle files which define sprite, number, speed, weight, direction and so on

werd ich mir mal genauer anschauen die particels sind klar, die fx files scheinen nur die beschreibung der gesamten effecte sein particels incl. textures etc. (mit shader sind hier nicht pixel oder vertex shader programme gemeint)

so wer noch was weiss was sonst nicht im forum erwähnt wurde hier rein bitte ... warum ?
damit wir mal ein gesamtbild von der engine haben wie sie bis jetzt funktioniert